How to change Express's default template engine from Jade to EJS

I am currently studying node.js development with Express as the framework. The default template engine is Jade (renamed to Pug) and wanted to use EmbeddedJS instead.


  1. Make sure that npm in installed in your system.

    > npm -v

    Please install if you have not.

  2. Install Express

    > npm install -g express
    └─┬ express@4.15.2
      └─┬ finalhandler@1.0.2
        └─┬ debug@2.6.4
          └── ms@0.7.3

    The -g indicates that it will be install globally so that the method express can be used.

  3. Create the project

    > express <app-name>
      warning: the default view engine will not be jade in future releases
      warning: use `--view=jade' or `--help' for additional options
       create : app-name
       create : app-name/package.json
       create : app-name/app.js
       create : app-name/public
       create : app-name/routes
       create : app-name/routes/index.js
       create : app-name/routes/users.js
       create : app-name/views
       create : app-name/views/index.jade
       create : app-name/views/layout.jade
       create : app-name/views/error.jade
       create : app-name/bin
       create : app-name/bin/www
       create : app-name/public/javascripts
       create : app-name/public/images
       create : app-name/public/stylesheets
       create : app-name/public/stylesheets/style.css
       install dependencies:
         $ cd app-name && npm install
       run the app:
         $ DEBUG=app-name:* npm start

    This will create the folder app-name with the files seen in the logs.

  4. Install dependencies

    Node projects have a package.json that contains the project’s dependency information. Run npm install inside the project directory to install the dependencies. The folder node_modules should be available after execution.

    NOTE: Add node_modules to your .gitignore.

  5. Check if the project works out-of-the-box

    > npm start
    app-name@0.0.0 start /path/to/app-name
    node ./bin/www

    Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser (defined in /bin/www) and the page should be similar to the following:

    Express index page

    Now we can start with adding EJS dependency!

  6. Install EJS

    a. Add EJS as a dependency

    > npm install ejs --save

    This will add an entry EJS in package.json and add EJS files in node_modules.

    b. Change app configuration

    Go to app.js and change the following line from

    app.set('view engine', 'jade');


    app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

    c. Change file extensions

    The views folder contains the view files. Change their file extension from .jade to .ejs.

    If we run the server again (to reflect the changes made in app.js), then the Jade-style content of the renamed files should appear as normal HTML text.

    The EJS documentation has the details on how to use the template engine.

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