Notes on Day 24 of 30 Days of JavaScript

Table of Contents

Lessons Learned

Setting fixed (horizontal) navigation menus

  1. Add a scroll event listener to a parent container

     window.addEventListener('scroll', () => doSomething());
  2. Determine the distance of the menu from the top and use this condition to check if it needs to be in a fixed position.

    All HTMLElements have the offsetTop property that returns their distance from the top of the viewport. The scrollY property on the other hand returns the current distance of the scrollable window from the top.

    These two determine if the menu needs to be set to fixed or not.

     if(window.scrollY >= navElement.offsetTop) {
  3. Set the fixed selector to the parent in case other element siblings of the fixed menu need some adjustments.

    In line with this reminder, when the menu was set to fixed, the scrollable body had a “jerky” upwards motion as the menu was moved from the normal blocks. The solution was to set a top padding for the parent based on the menu’s height (offsetHeight) to counter the “empty” space it left after becoming fixed.

     if(window.scrollY >= navElement.offsetTop) { = nav.offsetHeight + 'px';

    The implication of this parent with the fixed selector makes a lot of possibilities in terms of animating and designing other moving parts of the page in relation to this change of position.

  4. Finally add an opposite case if the scroll window is still not within the target breakpoint: simply set the padding back to zero and remove the fixed class.

     else { = n0;

The resuable code is the following:

const navElement = document.querySelector('nav#menu');

const setFixedNav = () => {
  if (window.scrollY >= navElement.offsetTop) { = nav.offsetHeight + 'px';
  } else { = 0;

window.addEventListener('scroll', setFixedNav);


  • “Sticky Nav”, uploaded by Wes Bos, 8 Dec. 2016, <>.

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