Notes on Day 22 of 30 Days of JavaScript

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Lessons Learned


This method returns a DOMRect object providing information about the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.

const containerCoords = document.querySelector('.container').getBoundingClientRect();

A DOMRect object has the following structure:

  bottom: 289
  height: 221.953125
  left: 154
  right: 504
  top: 67.046875
  width: 350
  x: 154
  y: 67.046875
  [[Prototype]]: DOMRect

This method is ideal for features that need a certain element’s position within the viewable browser and perform specific operations on it.

The project is one example: finding the cursor-pointed anchor tag within the page and making sure the lone span element to follow each of these accurately in the page as their pseudo-background.


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